Eval into file

Just wrote a handy function for working with slime.

  • It takes the top level form at that point e.g. (make-instance 'test)
  • Wraps it in a defparameter with a new var name (defparameter <iv-0> (make-instance 'test))
  • evals it using slime and injects the var name (in this case <iv-0>) into the file just after the toplevel form

This is useful when sketching out ideas in a file and you want to compile something but also capture the result in a global for messing with later

running it 3 times would give you something like

(make-instance 'test)
<iv-2> <iv-1> <iv-0>

which makes it very easy to wrap a list around and throw it where you see fit.

(defvar eval-into-file-count 0)
(defun slime-eval-into-file ()
  "Evaluate the current toplevel form.
store the result in a new global and insert the 
var into the code"
  (let* ((form (slime-defun-at-point))
         (var-name (concat "<iv-" (number-to-string eval-into-file-count) ">"))
         (form-with-var (concat "(defparameter " var-name form ")")))
    (setq eval-into-file-count (+ eval-into-file-count 1))
    (slime-eval-async `(swank:eval-and-grab-output ,form-with-var)
      (lambda (result)
        (cl-destructuring-bind (output value) result
          (insert value " "))))))


Published: January 08 2015

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